Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Sometimes I feel that I'm not a human,
I feel like a puppet.

My hands are tied by someone,
and I'm hanging on somebody's hand.
I can't let go of the string also, coz...
I've reached so high with help of others, that--
if I let go, I'm gonna fall really bad.

Slap me, or even punch me hard.
I'm just a heartless thing with no feelings at all.
I'm used only to entertain people.
I dance on someone's fingers.

That's my Life - and I'm a Puppet...

Written by - Sammy Desai
Pic selection - Devika Mehta


Anonymous said...

i hvnt' met ne1 b4 hu cud express themselves so perfectly lyk u do :)

this ones really nyc...

... i lykd d way u related ur lyf to d puppet.

Priti the blogger said...

Its very true .. u r a puppet ...between its nice to express what u feel . and i loved the picture and the writtens stuff in the article

Anonymous said...

I am glad..you have the power of the pen to express what you feel. There are times we all feel certain things in life......which are not that good..but we got to find a way out..may be realizing it and working towards it..is one of the ways....

I like it. It's short and sweet....speaks your heart out.