The word LIFE itself is a mystery,
and the LOVE factor is a totally different feeling.
the feeling is like that u r lifted from the Earth,
thrown up high in the air,
and u start falling,
you like this fall, but u just cant stop...
You keep falling, and falling, and falling...
one fine day when u get up after that fall,
all you see is nothing, just ur love.
you r just not bothered about turning and looking in other directions,
all u see is straight, at ur love...
After days, weeks, months, or even years,
This "LOVE" feeling vanishes somewhere,
you start fighting with people who care for you,
you feel like both ur hands are tied,
and u r using a lot of force to set free..
You get in depression,
u dont like anything,
you sit in a corner for hours and hours,
doing nothing at all..
That's why mah friends,
once you decide to fall, be sure of the results...
Oh wow I was almost in tears reading this:(..My heart skipped a beat..
chup re...too negative a thought..
it simply means the couple is not mentally prepared to take each others responsibility and understand each other emotionally..
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