Thursday, September 25, 2008

LiFe on 2nd LaSt bENCH !!

Life was the same till high school.
But later we started college.
From 1st bench to back benches was a very big jump.
But I'm glad I made it till there.

Things were VERY different back there.
I guess only a 2nd last bencher would agree.
Oh, I miss those college days.
There, we used to sleep till three.

People comment back on professor.
Music would always be on.
Radio keeps us updated.
I would know which class was going on?

Thanks to my lovely friends.
They always got food for me.
I know it was college,
But we always felt free.

*There are few people who feel college life is the BEST LIFE ---
I totally agree with them.
I wish college days never got over.
I miss my 2nd last bench days.